Tigers Are Not Afraid
Directed by Issa López
A haunting horror fairytale set against the backdrop of Mexico’s devastating drug wars, TIGERS ARE NOT AFRAID follows a group of orphaned children armed with three magical wishes, running from the ghosts that haunt them and the cartel that murdered their parents. Filmmaker Issa López creates a world that recalls the early films of Guillermo del Toro, imbued with her own gritty urban spin on magical realism to conjure a wholly unique experience that audiences will not soon forget. A SHUDDER EXCLUSIVE.
A group of orphaned children armed with three magical wishes run from the ghosts that haunt them and the cartel that murdered their parents
Cast: Paola Lara, Hanssel Casillas, Rodrigo Cortes, Ianis Guerrero, Tenoch Huerta
Member Reviews
This one broke my heart 5 years ago. Time to do break it again. Fantastic movie, incredible hard to watch. I cried on that one harder than during my divorce.
Great story, well acted and very moving
way better than it has any right to be. i saw a shidder exclusive low-budget horror movie and did not expect it to be an intelligently written, powerful story that featured child actors who actually know how to act
Cried a river at the end. 100% recommended!
that was pretty good